Our founder Michael Dowden talks with Dave Rael of Developer on Fire about business, people, writing, speaking, and lifestyle design.
Covered topics:
- - A changing and changed focus from technology to people
- - How Michael got started in software
- - The value of degrees
- - Multiple foci and staying Michael on staying in programming
- - Michael, the conference speaker
- - Michael's experience with being an author
- - Michael's lifestyle and businesses
- - The joy of board games and prioritizing activities you enjoy
- - Michael's story of failure - a filed startup and the emotional explosion of not communicating a valuing of opinions
- - Michael's book recommendations
- - Prioritizing lifestyle over tasks and achievements
- - Michael's success story - finishing a book, autonomy of time, and shifting from things to people
- - Achieving autonomous liberty
- - Michael's top 3 tips for delivering more value
Listen to the podcast on Developer on Fire: Episode 377 | Michael Dowden - Autonomy and People