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Article: Implement OAuth in 15 minutes with Firebase

OAuth is the undisputed standard for authenticating over the web or in native mobile apps. The promise of one-click signups and logins has obvious appeal, but getting this up and running is often quite challenging. Over the years we have heard countless horror stories from developers who have spent weeks trying to add OAuth support to their applications, with varying degrees of success.

This article provides a 15 minute, step-by-step guide to adding OAuth support to a CLI-generated Angular application using Firebase. We will implement OAuth with a Google account, but other platforms supported by Firebase include Facebook, Twitter, and GitHub. At Andromeda, we use Firebase to build and deploy solutions rapidly without the high cost of platform and infrastructure maintenance.

Read the full article on O'Reilly: Implement OAuth in 15 minutes with Firebase


Overview of our specialties including: accessibility, angular, CSS, design, and Firebase

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