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Modern CSS for a Portfolio Page is here from Martine Dowden and Manning Publications
Andromeda CTO puts together a course to introduce new CSS features

Andromeda Galactic CTO and founder Martine Dowden is working with Manning Publications on a new CSS liveProject titled Modern CSS for a Portfolio Page. Martine and Manning have previously worked together on the liveProject CSS Animations and Transitions and the book Tiny CSS Projects, written with Michael Gearon.

Over the past few years, CSS users have seen a significant acceleration in the frequency and quantity of new features being introduced. This series looks at some of these new features and addresses some fallback options because some of these features are not fully supported by all browsers, at least as of right now. In this liveProject series, you take on the role of a front-end developer working for Consultants Inc. Your manager, Peyton, tasked you with designing a portfolio page for yourself that will showcase your skills. The portfolio page includes the following sections: Header, About Me, Skills, List of Projects, a Contact Form, and a Footer.

The four-project series is available now on Manning’s website. It is an intermediate course that requires knowledge of intermediate CSS and HTML, beginner npm, HTML elements, CSS box model, and CSS cascading techniques. You can purchase the series here. (Affiliate Link)

Martine Dowden is the Founder, President, and CTO of Andromeda Galactic Solutions. She has degrees in both Psychology, and Design and Visual Communications, which she uses to develop amazing user experiences and user interfaces. She specializes in web accessibility, and has years of experience in leadership, marketing, design, and development. In addition to being the CTO of Andromeda, Martine is also an international conference speaker, a published author, a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies, and a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies.

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