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Michael Dowden Speaking at Cincinnati Software Craftsmanship Meetup
Andromeda Galactic founder and CEO gives his talk, “Winning as the Home Team”

Andromeda Galactic founder and CEO Michael Dowden will be speaking at the online Cincinnati Software Craftsmanship Meetup on November 3, 2021. The time will be split into three sections. Starting at 5:30 pm EST, the event will start with socialization on Zoom, then the presentation on Twitch, and will wrap up with the post-presentation discussion on Zoom.

Michael talk is titled Winning as the Home Team. This talk will break down the processes of building software together as a team, and show how things change when you are no longer sharing the same room. You will learn about the practices and tools one company uses to successfully run remote-only software projects, with developers that work from home. From leadership styles, to meeting schedules, to coding practices, we’ll get into specifics about what it takes to be a winning team when everyone is working from home. And finally, there will be a comparison between working from home before versus after March 2020. Watch live on Twitch here:

Michael Dowden is an international keynote speaker and is the CEO of Andromeda Galactic Solutions, President of FlexePark, and CTO of As a leader with almost 30 years in the technology industry, he has worked alongside more than 100 companies to build human-centered solutions. Michael is a Google Developer Expert and Microsoft MVP, and is the author of Programming Languages ABC++, Approachable Accessibility, and Architecting CSS. Read more about his talk here.

Cincinnati Software Craftsmanship is a developer meetup for those who want to improve their skills and deliver more value. They welcome anyone interested in software development, no matter their skill level. They will talk about a wide variety of topics, including front-end, back-end, agile, technologies, languages, human skills, and much more.

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