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Michael Dowden Gives His Talk, “Hosted, Not Served.”
He discusses the ability to make your website serverless at the Angular Community Meetup

Andromeda Galactic Solutions Founder and CEO Michael Dowden will be giving his talk “Hosted, not Served” on May 24th, 2022 at the Angular Community Meetup. He will discuss how your static website, SPA, or PWA can be deployed on low cost, world-class hosting using just a single command, without the need for servers. This talk will dive deep into the features of Firebase Hosting, using concrete examples derived from real-world experience. You will learn about deploy and rollback, multi-site deploys, custom domains, security and cache management, and custom URL management.

Michael is an international keynote speaker and is the CEO of Andromeda Galactic Solutions, and President of FlexePark. As a leader with almost 30 years in the technology industry, he has worked alongside more than 100 companies to build human-centered solutions. Michael is a Google Developer Expert and Microsoft MVP, and is the author of Programming Languages ABC++, Approachable Accessibility, and Architecting CSS. To learn more about the event and RSVP, visit here:

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