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Mission & Vision Statement

Our mission is to facilitate connections between people in an ethical, accessible way, using technology when necessary.

The Andromeda vision is to grow a diverse team of inclusive and creative people, train them in technology and design processes, and empower them to pursue their own goals and ideas while rewarding collaboration and humility over productivity.

About the Founders

Martine Dowden

Martine Dowden has degrees in both Psychology, and Design and Visual Communications, which she uses to develop amazing user experiences and user interfaces. She specializes in web accessibility, and has years of experience in leadership, marketing, design, and development. In addition to being the CTO of Andromeda, Martine is also an international conference speaker, a published author, is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and Angular and a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies.

Michael Dowden

Michael Dowden purchased his first computer (really, a box of TRS-80 parts) at a school auction in 1986. He built three working computers out of that box, kept the best for himself, and sold the other two at almost 300% profit. This started him on the road that has led to him earning a BS in Computer Science, a MBA in Entrepreneurship, and a history of working with over 75 companies, including five he founded over the past 10 years. Michael is now an advisor of Andromeda Galactic Solutions, a published author, international conference speaker, a Google Developer Expert in Firebase, and a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies.

Marc Ebtinger

Marc Ebtinger is a Founder of Andromeda. After being a Senior scientist for 31 years in biological and chemical engineering, he co-founded Andromeda to design simple, innovative and robust systems and provide solutions to real-world problems. He has international experience in France, Czech Republic, Austria, and landed in the U.S. 20 years ago.

What Andromeda Offers

Web Accessibility

While just 10 percent of websites support proper accessibility, one billion people globally live with disabilities. This is a tremendous discrepancy that marginalizes hundreds of millions of people. Andromeda includes web accessibility as a first-order concern in all products, and it brings this same commitment to each client.

Product Management

If you have your own software products but your development team is too busy to maintain them or build new features, Andromeda offers product management services — including design, UI, troubleshooting, and maintenance — on a monthly contract basis. The same support model you’re used to for infrastructure and vendor software is now available for your very own web and mobile products.

MVP Development

Do you have a great product or business idea, but aren’t sure how to bring the technology to life? Let Andromeda help you design and build a prototype or minimum viable product to test your idea and pursue investment.


Andromeda’s full-service consulting and software development team is ready to help you with your web and mobile projects. Their expertise guides your project through every stage of development, from analysis and design to quality assurance and ongoing maintenance.

Web Training

Do you have a development team that you want to transition into web development, or perhaps you want to level them up for a new project? Get personalized training from technology authors and international speakers who work with web technology every day. Education ranges from intermediate to advanced and can cover a wide range of topics to work best with your team.

Our Products

Ignition CMS

2 brightly colored flames

Ignition is a headless CMS that runs on Firebase, designed with both developers and content administrators in mind. Use our developer tools or the Firebase SDK to export data to both static and mobile applications.


A shared parking solution, FlexePark can help communities repurpose existing pavement and save taxpayer dollars. Businesses can open their private lots to the public simply by switching their "No Parking" signs to FlexePark signs.


Launching Soon! Cirrostyle is a cloud-based style guide platform that allows you to easily organize, manage, & share your brand and digital media assets.

Lore Link

In Development! Lore Link, an online RPG campaign management tool, improves how you manage your game and interact with your players, whether in person or online.

Most Recent Press Release

Andromeda Founders Awarded Microsoft MVP

Andromeda Galactic Solutions founders Martine and Michael Dowden have both received their 6th consecutive Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award in Developer Technologies. Martine was awarded for Web Development, and Michael was awarded with Web Development and Developer Tools. They first received this award in 2019, and have maintained this status ever since. Microsoft MVPs are nominated by either a Microsoft Full-Time Employee or a fellow MVP, and must demonstrate they are an expert in the field they’re nominated for, and they share that knowledge with others.

Martine Dowden is Andromeda Galactic’s CTO, as well as an artist, designer, and developer focusing on UX and accessibility. She is also a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and author of Tiny CSS Projects. Michael Dowden is the CEO of Andromeda, Product Architect for FlexePark, an International Speaker, and a Google Developer Expert in Firebase. Together they are the authors of Programming Languages ABC++, Approachable Accessibility, and Architecting CSS.

About Microsoft MVP Awards

The Microsoft MVP Award is more than two decades old and is awarded each year to outstanding leaders who share their knowledge with the community. These individuals have knowledge of Microsoft products and services and bring together diverse platforms, products, and solutions to solve real problems. MVPs are a global community spread across 90 countries/regions, making up over 4,000 experts. Information on the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional program can be found at

About Andromeda Galactic Solutions

We believe in designing a better world by improving everyday activities. Sustainable companies should generate net social gain with every product and service offered. Andromeda Galactic Solutions designs and builds web-based software products, with a mission to facilitate connections between people in an ethical, accessible way. Founded in 2015, the company was created to address community issues through a unique combination of technology and services. Building solutions to fit people, rather than forcing people to fit the solution. Learn more at

About Us

About FlexePark

FlexePark is a user-friendly solution to the dilemma of struggling to find parking options while many potential spaces are kept unavailable. Unlike other shared parking options, FlexePark focuses on usability and accessibility without requiring users to download an app or reserve parking spots in advance. Learn more at

About Andromeda Galactic Solutions

Founded in 2015, Andromeda was created to address community issues through a unique combination of technology and services, believing that sustainable companies should generate net social gain with every product and service offered. Its philanthropic investments include participating in Extra Life and Eleven Fifty Academy. Visit for more information.

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